President's Letter | Summer 2023It was wonderful to see many of you at the National Meeting on June 1-2 in Washington DC. We had record attendance of 250 participants! The conference took place at a new venue, the Westin Hotel, and featured several highlights.
None of this would have been possible without the incredible work of our First Vice President and National Meeting Program Chair, Xudong An and his hard-working program committee. Many thanks! Shortly after the National Meeting, the editors of Real Estate Economics hosted a very successful conference on housing sustainability and affordability at the University of Wisconsin on June 4-5th. The conference featured 12 papers, a panel discussion on housing affordability a keynote on household energy insecurity. Thanks to the REE editors and the University of Wisconsin hosts! We look forward to our International Meeting in Cambridge, UK in July, and to the ASSA meeting in San Antonio in January 2023. Submissions for both conferences were also very strong, and our Second Vice President Albert Saiz is finishing that program. Thanks to organizers and program committees! In addition to our conferences, AREUEA has also been busy with other initiatives. After a very successful year, the Virtual Seminar series is taking a summer break. You can watch past seminars on our website. You can also find instructions there for submitting your work for consideration for next year. Please consider submitting your papers. We also hosted a virtual panel discussion on land use regulations in March. The video for that event and associated resources are posted on our website. I hope you will take a look at all the resource pages posted under the policy forum tab on the website. We hope that they will be useful for your teaching and research. We are planning for two additional virtual Policy Forum event in the fall, so look out for announcements about those soon. Please send ideas for future discussions, as well as new resources for the existing pages. Our journal Real Estate Economics is thriving with high submission volumes and quick turnaround times. You can now see the latest accepted papers through our Twitter feed. Look out soon for emails with links to papers when new issues are available. At its May 31st meeting, the Board made several important decisions to strengthen the organization. Most importantly, we appointed the current Real Estate Economics editorial team (led by managing editor Dan McMillen) for another three-year term. We decided to push back membership renewals to the fall to make sure everyone is signed up before conference submission deadlines. So look out for renewal reminders in October. We also decided to grant membership fee waivers to students submitting papers to the conference if they request them. We agreed to convene an ad-hoc committee to consider changes to the website; please let us know if you have suggestions for the website. If you have ideas about ways AREUEA can better support our community, please let me know. Look out for other email updates in your inbox and follow us on Twitter (@AREUEA_ORG). I hope you all have a wonderful summer, Previous President LettersPresident's Letter | January 2023President's Letter | June 2022President's Letter | January 2022 |