Starting with the 2021 National Meeting, AREUEA awards two best paper prizes at the National Meeting. The Program Committee selects candidate winners and the Awards committee selects a winner among these. One of the two prizes is reserved for junior scholars, defined as a paper that has all of its authors no more than four years post-Ph.D., including Ph.D. students on the market.
2023 Overall Best Paper
"Housing Wealth and Overpayment: When Money Moves In" by Darren Aiello, Jason Kotter, and Gregor Schubert
2023 Junior Scholar Best Papers
"Willingness-to-Pay for Public Exam Schools: Consequences of Place-Based Affirmative Action" by Rene Crespin “Racial Segmentation in the US Housing Market” By Brian Higgins
2022 Best Papers
"The City-Wide Effects of Tolling Downtown Drivers: Evidence from London's Congestion Charge,” by Ian Herzog “When Cities Grow: Urban Planning and Segregation in the Prewar US,” by Sun Kyoung Lee
2021 Best Papers
"Consumption Access and Agglomeration: Evidence from Smartphone Data," by Yuhei Miyauchi, Kentaro Nakajima & Stephen Redding "Why Do Borrowers Default on Mortgages? A New Method for Causal Attribution," by Peter Ganong and Pascal Noel