Women in Real Estate Network | Fellowship and Grants

The Echidna Global Scholars Program is a 4-6 month visiting fellowship hosted by the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. The program aims to build the research and analytical skills of NGO leaders and academics who have substantial experience and ties to developing countries. Echidna Scholars focus on improving learning opportunities and outcomes for girls in the developing world. You can also read more about it here.

The National Bureau of Economic Research’s Gender in the Economy program, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, offered three dissertation fellowships in each of three years for doctoral students in economics working on issues related to aspects of gender in the economy. Research could focus on developing or developed economies, be historical, or provide a combination.

The Real Estate Research Institute has a long tradition of providing support for quality research within the field of real estate. Learn more about RERI funded research here.

The Russell Sage Foundation priorities social science research into today’s most pressing social and economic concerns drawn from across RSF's four main research programs and its special initiatives.

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